Animal Rescue
Shelter and Sanctuary

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Every now and then we appear on local news due to our dedication and commitment to animal Welfare.
De vez en cuando aparecemos en las noticias locales debido a nuestro compromiso con los animales.
Gunter Kook an animal activist committed to those that have no voice
States that Barranquilla needs more public clinics and shelters for animals.
The story of how an English language teacher and English Advisor of The largest BPO in Barranquilla left everything to help those who have no voice, is beautiful and admirable.
44 years old Gunter Kook, saw in animals the company man needs to complement his life with a family, therefore, he fights for the rights of animals whenever possible.
Despite the feeling of powerlessness produced by some cases of cruelty against animals, this man from Barranquilla has never neglected his labor and works every day to offer as much welfare that is at his disposal to any animal he can.
This young man Spoke to Zona Cero and told us the wonderful story of his life.
How long have you been a rescuer?
I have been a full time rescuer since January 2014, however I have been rescuing defenseless animals for 7 years whenever I found delicate cases.
What did you do before becoming a rescuer?
Before being a rescuer I worked as an English teacher at Institutes, Schools, Universities and Companies. I was also the English Advisor for the Largest Business Processing Outsourcing in Barranquilla.
Why did you decide to leave it all venid to rescue animals?
There comes a time in your life where you need to find something that fulfills your life, a satisfaction that you are doing something good to dedicate to wholeheartedly.Situations like abandonement, loss of a loved one are very painful ,through them you learn to have empathy towards other beings.
What are a rescuers greatest dificulties?
The greates dificultéis that rescuers face are need and powerlessness. The need of support in your labor, whether it is thru volunteers or donors. Powerlessness is not being able to do more even if you want to due to the capacity of your shelter, one must be responsible for those in ones care, you can’t out do yourself and get overwhelmed with too many cases that could bring a collapse to your labor and therefore impacting negatively the animals in your care.
What needs does the city have at this moment in regards to the animals?
The city needs a very big investment and Could get support from Medellin that has been dedicated for many years for animals living as strays. The city needs shelters, Sanctuaries, Public Clinics for vet care in vulnerability zones, a lot of education and sterilization. The culture towards animals also needs to change, animals need to be seen as lives that deserve love and respect that they deserve a worthy home where they are given all necessary care, sterilized and vaccines.
What needs do you have as a Foundation?
As a Foundation I have a lot of needs. We need volunteers, economic support on behalf of the government and private companies. My dream is to have a Shelter Sanctuary that has an Emergency Area and Quarantine. But I also consider it necessary to have an Emergency Rescue Vehicle.
Percisely at this mement we are looking for support for the animals in my care and we have organized an event for this weekend, Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st of August at the Park Parque Del Golf. There people can help by purchasing jewelry, Accessories for cell phones and t shirts. We are also receiving any other help such as food for dogs and cats, wet food, Cleaning supplies, Medicine, vitamins, deworming meds, Kennels, beds, dog accessories like leashes and harnesses, plates-.
Our immediate dream is to build a shelter for the animals currently in our care and have space for a few more in the condition of stray.
What do you recommend to the people in Barranquilla and in Colombia regarding the issue of animals in stray conditions?
I recommend that they have more empathy towards them, value them, adopt, sterilize and be responsible owners. That they support those who rescue animals, because it is very difficult.